The Importance of Prayer
Prayer is a privilege. Amazingly, God has given us the gift of being able to approach Him directly – the one true God of the universe – by just seeking Him and talking with Him. And yet how often do we accept this divine invitation to connect with Him on an intimate level?
Mariemont Church understands the important, sacred nature of prayer, and is committed to praying for individuals, our church, our city, and our world.
More than just putting the right words together, prayer is the deepest part of our relationship with God.
Prayer Team
Mariemont Church knows there is power in prayer. We experience it all the time. Our hope is that we “pray without ceasing” as 1 Thessalonians describes in Chapter 5. In fact, we have a trained prayer team that prays for individuals after every service.
Need Prayer?
Feel free to go to the front of our church after any of our services for prayer. Or our “quick response” prayer chain is available as well. We have a number of people who commit to praying for needs as they come.
Do you need prayer for a critical issue in your life? For another’s life?
Click here to send an email to our prayer chain coordinator at prayerchain@mariemontchurch.org and they’ll get the word out.
Interested in joining the prayer team? Click here.